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element sledenje vozil

Simplify the management of your farming records, gain control over your farm machinery and efficiently monitor grazing animals.

GPS tracking of agricultural machinery


GPS sledilnik za vozilo
aplikacija za GPS sledenje traktorja
GPS sledenje traktorja aplikacija voznja po njivah


Manage contractors' agricultural machinery services in one app

element sledenje vozil

Agricultural records

For larger and medium-sized farms


mobilna aplikacija Sledat prikaz GERKov
agra zlata zedalja
Make an effective fertilisation plan
Kmetijske evidence GERKi

Application for agricultural activities

automatic printout of specific forms
Save time and optimize work on your farm


program za vodenje digitalnih kmetijskih evidenc

Why choose Sledat?

Developed in Slovenia in collaboration with

element sledenje vozil

GPS animal tracking

GPS tracking device for animals


kozorog z GPS sledilnikom Sledat
Suitable for small ruminants, cattle and horses.
Entire grazing season.
Made specifically for animals on pasture

Location transmition - battery life span


Alert in case of breach of virtual border

Statisfied users

ovca na paši s Sledat GPS sledilnikom
Konji na paši s Sledat GPS sledilnikom
oven s sledilno napravo Sledat